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Environmental & CBRN Services

CBRN Services

SRC provides technical services to combat CBRN threats — protecting our warfighters with operational models, databases and risk assessment tools.

SRC has over 30 years of experience assisting battlefield planners, consequence management, and our warfighters tackle challenging problems in chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) defense. SRC specializes in the development of decision support tools, information systems, and operational models.

SRC is combining our understanding of CBRN threat behavior and our software expertise to develop, refine, validate, deploy and use predictive computational tools, like the the Common CBRN Modeling Interface (CCMI). We build standalone, web-based and mobile tools that are helping our customers understand and respond to CBRN threats.

Leveraging our experience in environmental fate and chemical property behavior, SRC's chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) services group supports U.S. government organizations like DTRA, DHS, NCMI, FBI and the IC in the areas of modeling and simulation, agent fate threat assessments, cheminformatics, QSAR/QSPR development, and software development and integration.

Our combined staff has a deep understanding of CBRN behavior in the environment, strong software engineering/information technology capabilities and a great appreciation for our customers’ needs.

CBRN Agent Fate Threat Assessments

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CBRN Cheminfomatics

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CBRN Modeling & Simulation

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CBRN QSAR & QSPR Development

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CBRN Services

Overview Sheet

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Scientists in protective suits examining a chemical spill near train tracks


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Work With Us

SRC is a prime contractor for DTRA's CWMD IDIQ. Learn more about working with us on this and other IDIQs as well as OTAs like JPEO-CBD's CWMD OTA.

Contact Us

To learn more about our CBRN Services, please contact us today