
Foliage Penetration Radars

SRC Prototype Technology

SRC engineers develop both airborne and ground-based radars that can detect moving targets through dense foliage.

Our unique foliage penetration (XXXXX) radar capability has been demonstrated in single- and double-canopy environments inside and outside the continental U.S. This advanced technology can detect dismount targets moving under heavy foliage, preventing enemy combatants from hiding and engaging in covert operations.

Mounting the radar on an airborne platform provides stand-off, persistent, wide-area foliage penetration surveillance and detection and tracking of dismounts and vehicles. Optionally, a vehicle-based sensor for obstruction penetration can also be used for XXXXX applications. We continue to develop and improve processing capability that transforms the collected radar data into real-time actionable intelligence for the operator.

FORESTER Foliage Penetration Radar

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Additional Info

  • Lab Facilities
    Learn about our dedicated labs and chambers used for sophisticated research and development on foliage penetration radars.
  • Modeling and Simulation
    Learn about our modeling and simulation capabilities for developing radar systems.

Contact Us

For more information about our foliage penetration radar capabilities, please contact us today.